
Lamplighters Theatre is holding auditions for
Bright Star
Music, book, & story by Steve Martin & Edie Brickell
DIRECTOR: Teri Brown
CO-MUSICAL DIRECTORS: Robert Johnson & Jerrica Stone
PRODUCER: Cydney King
Saturday, January 11, 2025 from 12:00pm-3:00pm &
Sunday, January 12, 2025 from 6:00pm-9:00pm
CALLBACKS BY INVITATION ONLY: Monday, January 13, 2025 at 6:30pm. Those actors called back will be notified the day following auditions.
Please use Sign Up Genius link above to secure an audition spot:
5915 Severin Drive, La Mesa, CA 91942
SHOW RUN: April 18 through May 18, 2025
PERFORMANCES: Fridays and Saturdays at 7:30 pm, Sundays at 2 pm; Saturday April 26, 2025 will be a 2pm matinee performance (no evening performance), plus Industry Night performance on Monday, April 28, 2025 at 7:30pm
Please prepare 16 bars of a song in the style of the show.
Please bring your most current headshot and resume.
No performance conflicts permitted.
All roles are open for inclusivity and diversity.
Lamplighters is an all-volunteer organization.
Inspired by a real event and featuring the Bright Star tells a sweeping tale of love and redemption set against the rich backdrop of the American South in the 1920s and ’40s. When literary editor Alice Murphy meets a young soldier just home from World War II, he awakens her longing for the child she once lost. Haunted by their unique connection, Alice sets out on a journey to understand her past – and what she finds has the power to transform both of their lives.
ROLES AVAILABLE: Six female presenting / 20s – 60s, seven male presenting / 20s – 60s; all must be strong singers and movers.
PLEASE NOTE: The majority of actors will be cast in multiple tracks and create added live percussion (i.e., playing spoons, harmonica, washboards, clapping). If you play a musical instrument, please include it on your resume and/or audition form.
ALICE MURPHY – plays both 16-17 and 36-37. Alice at age 36-37 is an editor of a southern literary magazine; intelligent and professional but with an air of melancholy. Young Alice at age 16-17 is rebellious, high-spirited, adventurous – looking to break out of small-town life and experience the world. Must be comfortable kissing and being intimate with actor who plays Jimmy Ray. Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano, F3-C5
JIMMY RAY DOBBS – plays both age 18-20 and 38-40. Jimmy Ray in his early 20s in flashbacks is Mayor Dobbs’ son and young Alice’s beau; boyishly charming and intelligent; from a family of wealth. An independent thinker who is not afraid to stand up to his father for what he believes in; he has a sense of personal responsibility and morality as well as a deep reserve of passion and emotion. Must be comfortable kissing and being intimate with actor who plays Alice. Vocal Range: Tenor, C3-A4
BILLY CANE – a young soldier returning home from WWII; an aspiring young writer; fresh, open, optimistic, charming, and a little naïve. Must be comfortable kissing and being intimate with actor who plays Margo. Vocal Range: Tenor, C3-A4
MARGO CRAWFORD – a small-town bookstore owner; a childhood friend of Billy’s who harbors romantic feelings towards him; she has a keen intellect. Must be comfortable kissing and being intimate with actor who plays Billy. Vocal Range: Soprano, B3-F#5
DADDY CANE – Billy’s father. A widower. Kind hearted, if a bit lonely. Also doubles as DR. NORQUIST and may also be used as ensemble member in 1940’s scenes. Vocal Range: Tenor, C3-A4
DARYL AMES – Assistant at a literary magazine. Funny, with a dry and officious sense of humor. Endearing and innately likable. Also plays ensemble in 1920’s scenes.Vocal Range: Tenor/Baritone, C3-E4
LUCY GRANT– A junior editor at a literary magazine. An ambitious, professional young “modern” career woman of the 1940’s. Strong, forthright and provocative with a sharp sense of humor. Also plays ensemble in 1920’s scenes. Vocal Range: Soprano, A3-D5
MAMA MURPHY – Alice’s mother. A caretaker to her family and her rural community. A warm, loving, sensible woman. Hardworking, with great inner strength and compassion. May also be used as ensemble member in 1940’s scenes. Vocal Range: Mezzo-Soprano, G3-C5
DADDY MURPHY– Alice’s father; an authoritative and a stern disciplinarian; devoutly religious, hard-working, a poor but proud farmer. May also be used as ensemble member in 1940’s scenes. Vocal Range: Baritone, A2-G4
MAYOR JOSIAH DOBBS – the Mayor of Zebulon; a political and financial powerbroker – distinguished, an imposing and controlling presence; has a genuine interest in protecting his son’s future and his family name, but in doing so, is ultimately pushed to a point of extreme and irrevocable cruelty. Vocal Range: Baritone, A2-G4
STANFORD ADAMS – the loyal assistant to Mayor Josiah Dobbs. Also doubles as MAX, a customer at Margo’s bookstore, and the STATIONMASTER plus ensemble in 1940’s scenes. Tenor/Baritone
EDNA - an employee at Margo’s bookstore. Also doubles as GOVERNMENT CLERK and ensemble in both 1920’s and 1940’s scenes. Mezzo-Soprano
FLORENCE– an employee at Margo’s bookstore. Also doubles as GOVERNMENT CLERK and ensemble in both 1920’s and 1940’s scenes. Mezzo-Soprano